Girlguides compromise promise under pressure from Church of England

Posted: Wed, 12th Feb 2014

The Church of England's General Synod today passed a resolution calling on the Girl Guides to change their recently introduced secular Promise to permit Christians to preface it with "In the presence of God I make my Guide Promise". The Guides have agreed.

The Synod has passed a resolution calling on the Girl Guides to change their recently introduced secular Promise to permit Christians to preface it with "In the presence of God I make my Guide Promise".

The resolution was proposed by Alison Ruoff, a conservative evangelical Christian. The original version had read:

"That this Synod believe that girls of all ages in the Girlguiding Movement should not suffer discrimination but be able to continue to promise to love God when enrolled rather than making a wholly secular promise".

The amended version reads:

'That this Synod:

(a) congratulate Girlguiding on its recent Centenary and applaud the work in helping girls and young women to take their place as full and responsible members of their communities;

(b) believe that girls and women of all ages in the Girlguiding Movement should be able to continue to promise to love God when enrolled; and

(c) commend the suggestion that, when a member chooses so to do, the Promise may be prefaced with the phrase "In the presence of God I make my Guide Promise".'

A spokesperson for the Guides said: "Girlguiding has taken on board the view of a minority of our members who struggle with the new wording and suggested those members can provide the context of their own belief if they wish before making our Promise.

"This suggestion ensures the wording of our Promise is unaltered and, rather than having an alternative, ensures we maintain our one Promise for all that celebrates shared values and embraces all beliefs."

In a briefing paper to accompany her motion, Mrs Ruoff wrote:

"Girl Guiding has always been a faith based organisation as begun by the Baden- Powells. Obviously at the time it was predominantly Christian but over the years has been extended to include girls of any faith. Why should this change and exclude a sense of spirituality? The new promise revolves around self. Muslim girls are quite content to say 'love my God'.

"From a wholly Christian perspective, how can a Christian girl or leader revert to the new promise? They are being forced to choose between faith and Girl guiding. It is also a wonderful opportunity for girls to hear about God and the Lord Jesus Christ when learning to understand what the Promise means. This then is a serious Gospel issue.

"The Scout movement have retained their 'old 'promise, to love God, as well as having a secular promise. Why therefore should the Guiding movement NOT be allowed to have choice? It is rank discrimination against the girls of this wonderful youth movement.

"Finally it could be seen as contributing to the further marginalisation of Christianity in this country which as Christians, it surely is our duty to resist."

She made clear that she was not calling for Girlguide groups to be kicked out of church halls.

The Church of England said:

"Many Girlguiding Units are Open Units sponsored by churches (Anglican and other). The form of sponsorship varies according to the type and amount of sponsorship the sponsoring body is able to offer. The terms of sponsorship are discussed by the sponsoring body and the local Commissioner and an agreement is drawn up and signed. Open sponsored units are open to all girls or young women who wish to join.

"In accordance with the Guiding Manual, all members are encouraged to take part in the religion or faith of their family or community. However, attendance at any act of worship as a part of guiding activities is seen by the Guiding Movement as part of the spiritual development of the individual member and is a voluntary activity."

Terry Sanderson, president of the National Secular Society, said: "This compromise should calm the protestors. Let's hope the Church will now ease off in its condemnation and bear in mind that the Girlguides organisation does not belong to them and they shouldn't try to run it as though it does."

Meanwhile, the Church of Ireland has sent the following statement to Girlguiding Ulster and Girlguiding UK:

"The Church of Ireland wishes to convey to Girlguiding Ulster and Girlguiding UK the high value it places on their work with children and also partnership between the Church and Guiding through the provision of premises, leadership and other support.

"However, we are deeply concerned that, as of 1September 2013, all new members and leaders will be expected to make a new promise: "To be true to myself and develop my beliefs", replacing the previous promise to "love my God".

"We regard the words in the promise "To be true to myself" as falling far short of Christian values and therefore cannot support this promise being used.

"We request that Girlguiding Ulster and Girlguiding UK, as soon as possible, provide its many children and leaders from a Christian background the option to make a promise to serve God.

"In addition, we request that no Church of Ireland based Guiding unit compel its new members to make this new promise containing the wording "to be true to myself".