Afghanistan not quite the hell-hole it’s portrayed as

Posted: Fri, 9th Mar 2012

The Asia Foundation has conducted a major opinion poll to discover the true attitudes of the people of Afghanistan – and it contains a lot of surprises.

The Asia Foundation has conducted a major opinion poll to discover the true attitudes of the people of Afghanistan – and it contains a lot of surprises.

"Foreign interference" is ranked at the very bottom of problems that worry Afghans: 1. Insecurity (38%) 2. Unemployment (23%) 3. Corruption (21%) 4. Poverty (12%), 5. Poor economy (10%), 6. Lack of education (10%), 7. The Taliban (8%), 8. Suicide attacks (8%) 9. Foreign interference (7%).

Most of Afghanistan is at peace. Afghan support for equal rights regardless of gender, ethnicity or religion is at 82%, and for equal educational opportunities for women it's 85%. However, a substantial number of Afghans think women should not seek work outside the home.