General Election 2024

General Election 2024

Ask your candidates to stand up for secularism

The country goes to the polls on 4 July. We want to make sure the people who will make up the next Parliament know their constituents want to see a secular democracy where everyone is treated equally, regardless of religion or belief.

Tell your candidate you want the next government to:

Religiously selective school admissions should be abolished and publicly-funded faith schools phased out. Our education system should be open and welcoming to all.
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Laws requiring schools to hold acts of collective worship should be abolished. No child should be compelled to pray in school.
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Attempts to bring back 'blasphemy' laws through the back door should be resisted. Free speech should be robustly defended.
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The House of Lords should be reformed to remove the 26 seats reserved for bishops of the Church of England. No religion or its leaders should have a privileged role in the legislature.
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The Church of England should be disestablished and its privileges removed. A state religion has no place in our 21st century democracy.

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How do I contact my candidates?

Candidates may come knocking over the next few weeks. But if they don't, an excellent way to find out their views is to attend a local hustings, where candidates standing for election answer questions and seek support from local constituents.

You can also find your local candidates via the Who Can I Vote For? website.

When talking to candidates, you could:

  • Explain why you want to see a secular democracy where everyone is treated equally, regardless of religion or belief
  • Ask if they agree that people should be free to follow the beliefs they choose, but that no particular religious beliefs should be privileged or imposed.
  • Ask if they're willing to stand up for liberal principles in the face of growing religious fundamentalism.

Want to do more to stand up for secularism?

By far the best way to support our work is to join us. Become a member of the National Secular Society today and we'll put your principles into action.

If you're already a member - thank you. We couldn't campaign without you. Please consider giving our lobbying a boost by making a donation.