Schools in Wales

Schools in Wales

Schools in Wales are almost all community, voluntary controlled or voluntary aided. More information can be found here.

Community schools

Community schools cannot have a religious ethos.


Governors are appointed along secular lines with no reserved places for religious groups.

Religion and Values Education (RVE)

Taught according to the locally agreed syllabus. It must be non-confessional and is inspected by Estyn.

Collective worship

It should be 'wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character' but may in practice be replaced by a secular assembly. Standing Advisory Councils can allow changes for non-Christian worship.

Relationships and sex education (RSE)

Comprehensive education about sex and relationships is required. There is no parental right of withdrawal.


The local authority is the admissions authority and religious selection is not permitted.


The school cannot discriminate on religious grounds in any cases.


The local authority funds the school.

Voluntary controlled (VC) faith schools


The governing body will include foundation governors (appointed to represent the religious body) but they will not be in the majority.

Religion and Values Education (RVE)

Taught according to the locally agreed syllabus. It must be non-confessional and is inspected by Estyn. Must also include provision for RVE which accords with the school’s trust deed, or the tenets of its religion, for parents who request it.

Collective worship

Must follow the religious ethos of the school's designated religion.

Relationships and sex education (RSE)

Comprehensive education about sex and relationships is required, but may be taught in accordance with the school’s religious ethos. There is no parental right of withdrawal.


The local authority is the admissions authority and religious selection is not generally permitted, but may be and would be lawful.


Can use a religious test in appointing, promoting, disciplining and setting the salary of up to one fifth of teachers - including the headteacher. Non-teaching staff can be subject to similar religious discrimination if there is a 'genuine occupational requirement'.


The local authority funds the school. The land and buildings of the school are often owned by a charitable organisation.

Voluntary aided (VA) faith schools


The governing body will include foundation governors or in the case of a school with no foundation, partnership governors (appointed to represent the religious body). These will hold a majority of the places on the governing body.

Religion and Values Education (RVE)

Taught according to the school’s trust deed or religious tenets. If this doesn’t accord with the agreed syllabus, the school must also include provision with RVE that does follow this syllabus for parents who request it.

Collective worship

Must follow the religious ethos of the school's designated religion.

Relationships and sex education (RSE)

Comprehensive education about sex and relationships is required, but may be taught in accordance with the school’s religious ethos. There is no parental right of withdrawal.


Can religiously select 100% of pupils if oversubscribed.


Can use a religious test in appointing, promoting, disciplining and setting the salary of any teacher. Non-teaching staff can be subject to similar religious discrimination if there is a 'genuine occupational requirement'.


The school holds its own premises, employs the staff and deals with admission arrangements. The LA via the school budget share provides revenue funding.

Independent schools

Independent schools, sometimes called "private" schools, are those which are not funded by the state.

While the National Secular Society does not oppose independent faith schools, we believe that all independent schools, whatever their ethos, should be fully compliant with the law and prioritise children's education and welfare above any religious considerations.

All independent schools must register with the Welsh government. Schools which fail to do this (unregistered schools) are breaking the law.


Independent in their governance and finances and usually charge fees.

Religion and Values Education (RVE)

No legal requirement to teach RVE, and those which do may teach any form they like provided it does not conflict with the duty to promote “tolerance and harmony” between different cultural traditions.

Collective worship

No legal requirement to hold collective worship, and those which do may hold it in any form they like. There is no legal right of withdrawal.

Relationships and sex education (RSE)

Not required to teach RSE. Where it is taught, there is no legal right of withdrawal.


The school can freely discriminate against pupils and their families on the basis of religion or belief, even when undersubscribed.


Staff can be subject to religious discrimination if there is a 'genuine occupational requirement'.


Usually charge fees. Many operate as charitable trusts, and so are entitled to tax exemptions.