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Page 2 of 6: Three in ten families across England live in areas where most or all of the closest primary schools are faith schools and thousands are being assigned faith schools against their wishes.

Parents' perspectives on the Choice Delusion

Displaying 11 to 20 of 56

Why should people of a particular faith have more school choices than people of other faiths or none? Teaching faith is the responsibility of parents, not the state or state-subsidised facilities. In these days of intolerance, surely children benefit from being educated alongside those from all faiths and none.

Why should people of a particular faith have more school choices than people of other faiths or none? Teaching faith is the responsibility of parents, not the state or state-subsidised facilities. In these days of intolerance, surely children benefit from being educated alongside those from all faiths and none.

Laura, from SLOUGH

I had no choice over sending my children to a faith school; that was the catchment school with other nearby schools also faith schools. We are a non-religious household. When the vicar came every Monday for Christian religious assembly, I made the difficult decision to have my children removed. I do not believe it is right that religious leaders are coming into our schools regularly as part of our children's' education.

I had no choice over sending my children to a faith school; that was the catchment school with other nearby schools also faith schools. We are a non-religious household. When the vicar came every Monday for Christian religious assembly, I made the difficult decision to have my children removed. I do not believe it is right that religious leaders are coming into our schools regularly as part of our children's' education.

Joanne, from BATH

"My own (atheist) children were taught creationist beliefs in their village primary school (there was no non-faith school we could choose), and that other faiths were essentially primitive. At secondary level, in our nearest town, there are three non-selective schools, two of which are faith schools. These faith schools don't accept children from families with no faith unless the families lie about their lack of faith. Our 'choice' was restricted to one school, therefore, unless our children passed the selective tests for the non-faith grammar schools. The faith schools' admissions criteria therefore massively distort the secondary system here."

"My own (atheist) children were taught creationist beliefs in their village primary school (there was no non-faith school we could choose), and that other faiths were essentially primitive. At secondary level, in our nearest town, there are three non-selective schools, two of which are faith schools. These faith schools don't accept children from families with no faith unless the families lie about their lack of faith. Our 'choice' was restricted to one school, therefore, unless our children passed the selective tests for the non-faith grammar schools. The faith schools' admissions criteria therefore massively distort the secondary system here."


I am currently in the process of researching primary schools for my daughter. We are an atheist household, though my daughter will be free to follow any religious she choses, or none, when she is old enough to make such a choice. As such, I would prefer for her to attend a secular primary. Additionally, I do not want to give her the message that access to education for any child should be affected by religious beliefs.

However, I find myself in the catchment of a catholic school and a CoE school in my London borough. In order to find a non religious school I am having to apply to schools in a different borough, which we are less likely to get into. Despite living in a place with plenty of local state funded schools, I find myself in the position of looking to move house, at great expense and emotional upheaval, in order to secure for my daughter a secular education, despite living in a largely secular community in all other respects. In no other area of life do my religious beliefs limit my daughters options.

I am currently in the process of researching primary schools for my daughter. We are an atheist household, though my daughter will be free to follow any religious she choses, or none, when she is old enough to make such a choice. As such, I would prefer for her to attend a secular primary. Additionally, I do not want to give her the message that access to education for any child should be affected by religious beliefs.

However, I find myself in the catchment of a catholic school and a CoE school in my London borough. In order to find a non religious school I am having to apply to schools in a different borough, which we are less likely to get into. Despite living in a place with plenty of local state funded schools, I find myself in the position of looking to move house, at great expense and emotional upheaval, in order to secure for my daughter a secular education, despite living in a largely secular community in all other respects. In no other area of life do my religious beliefs limit my daughters options.

Eleanor, from SOUTH LONDON

"My daughter can't go to her local school because she hasn't been christened. This is discrimination, no matter how it is dressed up!"

"My daughter can't go to her local school because she hasn't been christened. This is discrimination, no matter how it is dressed up!"


"My son has to go to a local RC school because of SENS needs - his timetable includes five periods of RE every two weeks. This is more than any other subject and is straight up evangelising. Education should be secular, faith schools severely limit the choice of pupils especially in areas like mine which is a grammar area."

"My son has to go to a local RC school because of SENS needs - his timetable includes five periods of RE every two weeks. This is more than any other subject and is straight up evangelising. Education should be secular, faith schools severely limit the choice of pupils especially in areas like mine which is a grammar area."

Sally, from CANTERBURY

"People should have the right to send their children to a non-faith school. In many villages/areas this is not practically possible. Segregating children by religion cannot help society."

"People should have the right to send their children to a non-faith school. In many villages/areas this is not practically possible. Segregating children by religion cannot help society."


"In my area I have a choice of one primary school for my son if he wants a non-religious education. It's upsetting and discriminatory that the vast majority of non-religious people, and religious people who don't believe that belief is a public matter, in this country aren't catered for."

"In my area I have a choice of one primary school for my son if he wants a non-religious education. It's upsetting and discriminatory that the vast majority of non-religious people, and religious people who don't believe that belief is a public matter, in this country aren't catered for."

Martin, from BRIGHTON

"Not being religious ourselves we think this school is completely inappropriate. We've been told we can withdraw our daughter from worship and RE but there's no alternative provision, and sitting outside a classroom feels like punishment. Why should our daughter be punished for not being religious?"

"Not being religious ourselves we think this school is completely inappropriate. We've been told we can withdraw our daughter from worship and RE but there's no alternative provision, and sitting outside a classroom feels like punishment. Why should our daughter be punished for not being religious?"


"I had never looked into the rules of faith schools and admissions before. Now that I am expecting a baby soon, I have searched locally - I am shocked to discover that unbiased education free from religious dogma is not an option."

"I had never looked into the rules of faith schools and admissions before. Now that I am expecting a baby soon, I have searched locally - I am shocked to discover that unbiased education free from religious dogma is not an option."

Peter, from SALISBURY

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