Challenge religious extremism

Challenge religious extremism

Page 4 of 6: We must defend our rights and freedoms from religious fundamentalists.

Extremism harms us all, whatever our religion or belief.

We work to ensure efforts to counter extremism are not undermined by religious privilege.

Religious extremists are people who reject values such as human rights, democracy and freedom in favour of a fundamentalist interpretation of religion.

Extremists of all kinds pose a serious threat to social cohesion, by seeding division and hostility between communities. Sometimes, this can lead to violence and unrest. It can also lead to the oppression of people within religious communities, including women, LGBT people, and those who dissent from religious dogma.

In the worst cases, religious extremists can become terrorists. MI5 considers Islamist terrorism to be "the most significant terrorist threat" to the UK by volume.

The National Secular Society believes everyone must have the right to hold whatever beliefs they wish – including extremist beliefs – and the right to express those beliefs, provided they do not directly incite crime.

However, we also believe society should reject extremist ideas, and the state should ensure it does not enable a climate in which extremism and radicalisation can flourish.

Unfortunately, religious privilege creates such a climate. Because 'the advancement of religion' is a recognised charitable purpose in law, religious fundamentalists can exploit our charity system to promote extremism. Some extremist groups have even received public funding to provide 'community services'. Far too often, policymakers accept the credibility of organisations which support a fundamentalist agenda, because they purport to represent a particular religious community.

Fundamentalists also attempt to impose blasphemy codes and weaponise 'hate speech' policies to silence criticism of their religion – including extremist elements.

The National Secular Society wants to see a society in which everyone, whatever their race, sex, sexuality, religion or worldview, is free to live in safety. This means we must ensure extremist ideologies do not go unchallenged, and are prevented from harming individuals and communities.

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I T S, Shutterstock

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