End prayers in Parliament and councils

End prayers in Parliament and councils

Page 20 of 37: Prayers aren’t government business.

We don't think religious worship should play any part in the formal business of the state.

We want to see parliamentary and local government meetings conducted in a manner equally welcoming to all attendees, whatever their personal beliefs.

Parliamentary prayers

Sittings in both the House of Commons and the House of Lords begin with Anglican prayers. MPs and peers stand for prayers facing the wall behind them – a practice thought to have developed due to the difficulty members would historically have faced of kneeling to pray while wearing a sword.

When the chamber is at its busiest, parliamentary prayers act as a bizarre and antiquated seat reservation system. Even MPs and peers who are slated to speak have no option but to attend prayers in order to reserve a seat.

Whilst they may be viewed by some as an important tradition, parliamentary prayers serve to assert the superiority of Christianity (and the Church of England in particular) at Westminster. This 'tradition' is inimical to a modern, pluralistic, secular democracy.

In the Scottish Parliament, Tuesday afternoon sessions begin with 'Time for Reflection', with faith and belief representatives invited to addresses members for up to four minutes. The Northern Ireland Assembly begins formal business with a period of two minutes of silent prayer or contemplation. The Welsh Assembly has adopted no such rituals.

Parliamentarians who wish to pray are free to do so. But prayers should not form part of the official business of Parliament.

Council prayers

Many local authorities in Britain also begin their meetings with prayer.

Local democracy should be equally welcoming to all sections of society, regardless of their religion or belief. Council meetings should be conducted without anyone feeling excluded, or compelled to either participate in prayers or absent themselves from part of the meeting.

Council prayers open the door to wholly unnecessary conflict and sectarian squabbles within local authorities. There is a history of local councillors being bullied and marginalised for challenging council prayers.

The absence of prayers from the formal business of meetings in no way impedes religious freedoms or denies anybody the right to pray. Conversely, organised worship in secular settings imposes worship on those who do not share the faith. A genuine commitment to freedom of religion or belief is incompatible with including acts of worship in the formal business of council meetings.

If local authorities wish to hold a moment of silent reflection at the beginning of a meeting, or if councillors wish to meet for prayers prior to the meeting, they are at liberty to do so.

Take action!

1. Write to your MP

Please enter your postcode and urge your MP to support an alternative to parliamentary prayers, to make parliament more welcoming to people of all faiths and none.

2. Share your story

Tell us why you support this campaign, and how you are personally affected by the issue. You can also let us know if you would like assistance with a particular issue - for example, if you would like to challenge prayers at your own council.

3. Join the National Secular Society

Become a member of the National Secular Society today! Together, we can separate religion and state for greater freedom and fairness.

Latest updates

New Government backed council prayers bill will 'undermine religious freedom'

Posted: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 11:46

The National Secular Society has accused the Government of seeking to undermine religious freedom by supporting a Private Members' Bill to include "prayers or other religious observance" in the business of local authority meetings.

The Local Government (Religious etc. Observances) Bill, proposed by Jake Berry MP but prepared by the Department for Communities and Local Government, is in response to a High Court case where the National Secular Society and a local councillor successfully argued that council meetings should be conducted in a manner equally welcoming to all councillors, regardless of their religious beliefs, or lack of belief.

The High Court ruled that "the saying of prayers as part of the formal meeting of a Council is not lawful under s111 of the Local Government Act 1972, and there is no statutory power permitting the practice to continue."

In supporting the Bill to overturn the ruling, The National Secular Society accused the Secretary of State of "seeking to impose religion by tyranny of the majority."

Authorising public expenditure arising from the Bill in Parliament on Tuesday, Penny Mordaunt, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, said: "The Bill will not compel anyone to pray or any local authority to include prayers in their official business, nor does it define what constitutes prayer."

Labour MP Lyn Brown said she was "content, on behalf of the Opposition, to wish the Bill and its purposes well."

She said: "I welcome the fact that the Bill is not prescriptive. It will leave it to local communities to determine what, if any, observances are appropriate to them; where they should be placed on the agenda; and whether they should be faith-based or otherwise." Brown added that, "we must see this as a matter of local choice."

Jake Berry, the Bill's proposer, stated: "As we approach Christmas, the celebration of the birth of who I believe to be the Prince of Peace, all elected officials might like to reflect that there may be more power in prayer than in any stroke of a Minister's pen or ruling from the Chair, and that this Bill, which seeks to protect people's freedom to pray, will enable people of all religious beliefs to seek guidance in their deliberations in elected office."

Stephen Evans, National Secular Society campaigns manager, said: "The supporters of this Bill are being willfully misleading by citing religious freedom, when the actual purpose of the Bill is to undermine religious freedom by enabling one group of councillors to impose their beliefs on other, equally elected, councillors."

"This Bill needs to be exposed for what it is, an attempt by religious enthusiasts to push their religion into the public sphere."

"The High Court ruling did not deprive any councillor of the right to pray; the ruling did however prevent local authorities from summoning councillors to religious observance at council meetings and hence imposing it on those that do not wish it. Religious freedom demands that an individual's right to manifest their religion must always be balanced against others' rights to live their lives free from religion."

"Allowing worship to be imposed in a secular environment, as the Bill would do, is incompatible with a genuine commitment to religious freedom and inimical to ensuring our local councils are equally welcoming to all sections of society. If successful, this legislation could also open the door to wholly unnecessary conflict and sectarian squabbles within local authorities."

Mr Berry's proposal would allow "prayers or other religious observance" or "observance connected with a religious or philosophical belief."

As well as council meetings, the Bill explicitly allows prayer in a vast range of other authorities, including the "Passenger Transport Executive of an integrated area in England", a "joint waste authority", "an internal drainage board for a district neither wholly not partly in Wales."

Mr Evans added: "Before any more parliamentary time and expense is taken up by this Bill, its backers should be obliged to explain how putting prayers on the agenda of a joint waste authority meeting will assist it in carrying out its functions."

Following the High Court ruling in favour of the NSS in 2012, Eric Pickles, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (a committed evangelical Christian and now Minister for Faith), fast-tracked the implementation of new legal power contained in the Coalition Government's Localism Act 2011, which he claimed gave "councils back the freedom to pray" – although his interpretation was contested by the NSS and some lawyers.

The Department for Local Government now concedes that "smaller parish councils do not have this power and neither do a range of single-purpose authorities such as fire and rescue authorities, and integrated transport authorities" and is now backing Mr Berry's bill to give council prayers a statutory basis in them all.

The Bill will be debated at Committee Stage on 6 January 2015

Read the NSS briefing on the Local Government (Religious etc. Observances) Bill here

Judges' religious service criticised by secular lawyers

Posted: Wed, 1 Oct 2014 12:14

Secular lawyers have called for a separation of the Church of England from judicial affairs after judges marked the start of the legal year with an Anglican service.

The annual Judges' Service, held today (1 October) at Westminster Abbey, was attended by the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, the Lord Chief Justice, judges and other members of the legal profession.

The Lawyers' Secular Society (LSS) criticised the ceremony, calling it an "inappropriate reinforcement of the link between the Church and the state" and have called on the justice secretary, Chris Grayling, to discontinue the annual ritual.

LSS members Peter Fisher, a retired Ministry of Justice civil servant, and John Butcher, a Surrey councillor, say the service has a potential impact on the impartiality, or perceived impartiality of judges attending it and warn that the service runs the risk of undermining public confidence in the judiciary.

The service has its roots in the religious practice of judges praying for guidance at the beginning of the legal term. The custom dates back to the Middle Ages when the High Court was held in Westminster Hall and judges would walk over to Westminster Abbey for the service.

Members of judiciary attending the service do so in their official capacity, during working hours, wearing their judicial robes. The service itself is held in private; and is not open to the public and the media.

Charlie Klendjian, secretary of the Lawyers' Secular Society, said: "Democracy is an ever-evolving and ever-improving process. The machinery of democracy, which most certainly includes its legal system, must keep up with that drumbeat and we have every right to expect a fully secular legal system. It is high time this archaic service was abolished."