End abuse in religious settings

End abuse in religious settings

Page 8 of 55: Religious privilege must not undermine safeguarding and justice.

Religious organisations and communities are frequent targets of abusers.

Religious institutions are often well-placed and strongly motivated to cover up incidents of sexual and physical abuse.

We work to hold these organisations to account and get justice for abuse victims and survivors.

Many religious organisations enjoy a close relationship with the establishment and tend to see themselves as above the law. This can increase the risk of abuse, prevent perpetrators from facing justice, and impede efforts to support and compensate victims and survivors of abuse.

Those intent on abuse are often attracted to religious institutions. Such organisations give access to, and sometimes extreme control over, numerous children and vulnerable adults.

When abuse does occur, religious organisations often act to protect the reputation of the institution above the rights of the victim. They may pressure the victim to stay silent and move the perpetrator to somewhere unaware of their reputation.

Many religious institutions also have influence and connections that enable them to evade justice and scrutiny, often for decades.

All forms of abuse, be they sexual, physical or psychological, can cause serious harm. Victims of abuse in religious settings have suffered physical and mental health problems, including addiction, self-harm and suicide.

Abuse can take place in any religious setting. That's why we work at the national and international level to hold religious organisations to account for safeguarding failings, and to ensure victims and survivors can get justice.

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New religious charity promotes ‘witch hunting’ sermon

New religious charity promotes ‘witch hunting’ sermon

Posted: Mon, 24 Jul 2023 12:57

The National Secular Society has expressed concerns about a newly registered Christian charity which promoted a sermon on 'witch hunting'.

Mountain Of Fire And Miracles Ministries Belfast, which registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland last month, shared details about a sermon on "five kinds of witches or familiar spirits" on its Facebook page in April (pictured).

The sermon, available on YouTube, was delivered by pastor Daniel Kolawole Olukoya, who founded Mountain of Fire And Miracles (MFM) Ministries in Nigeria.

The National Secular Society has warned promoting these ideas could lead to the 'spiritual abuse' of children and vulnerable adults accused of being witches.

Pastor says people may be "unconscious" witches, 'exorcises' them

In the sermon, thought to be held in Nigeria, Olukoya says people can become witches if their parents are witches, or by being "initiated" by witches without their knowledge by sharing food with them.

Olukoya appears to 'exorcise' the audience by telling them to "receive your deliverance in the name of Jesus".

He then tells a story of a pastor who was "unconsciously initiated" because "his dad was a wizard", and was attacked by demons. He says: "I am praying for anyone here suffering from unconscious initiation to be set free by the power and the blood of Jesus" before 'exorcising' them again.

The National FGM Centre, which aims to protect children from abuse linked to faith or belief, has identified belief in "witchcraft and spirit possession" as a motive for abuse.

Figures suggest thousands of children in the UK are victims of abuse linked to witchcraft beliefs.

Some children have died through witchcraft abuse. They include Victoria Climbie, who was tortured to death in 2000 at the age of eight by her great aunt and her partner in London after a Christian preacher convinced them Victoria was possessed.

And in 2015, eight-year-old Ayesha Ali was killed by her mother and partner in London after being accused of being a witch.

Church criticised for role in witch-hunts and 'conversion therapy'

Mountain Of Fire And Miracles Ministries has been criticised by Nigerian human rights advocate Leo Igwe for promoting witch-hunting through its international network of churches. In Nigeria and other parts of west Africa, mob violence and persecution based on witch accusations are frequent. Last month a man was arrested in Nigeria's Bauchi State after he poured kerosene on a girl and set her on fire after accusing her of witchcraft.

MFM has also been criticised for practising 'gay conversion therapy' in the UK. In 2017 an investigation found a Liverpool branch of Mountain of Fire and Miracles offered 'gay cure' sessions involving intense prayer and starvation.

In another Facebook post last year, MFM Minstries Belfast's pastor Raphael Olushola Peters lists "homosexual relations" alongside "offering children as sacrifices" and "sexual relations with animals" as "abominable things" which "lead to diseases, deformity and death" and "disrupt family life and society".

MFM Ministries Belfast is registered under the charitable purpose of "the advancement of religion".

Northern Ireland Charity Commission guidance says charities' purposes "must be beneficial, not harmful". But the Commission has previously refused to penalise an NI charity promoting a form of "change orientated therapy" for gay people, despite evidence that 'conversion therapy' can be extremely harmful.

MFM Ministries Belfast says the "direct benefits" of the charity are "Religious worship to members and the public providing emotional upliftment". It says: "We do not foresee any harm from our activities".

In 2019 the Charity Commission for England and Wales appointed an interim manager to MFM Ministries International due to financial and administration concerns.

NSS: Witch-hunting ideology "can lead to extreme harm"

NSS campaigns officer Alejandro Sanchez said: "This charity is registered under 'the advancement of religion'. But the type of religion advanced through this sermon is clearly not in the public interest.

"Charities are meant to benefit the public. But promoting the idea that some people can be 'witches' possessed by evil spirits can lead to extreme harm to children and vulnerable adults.

"If 'the advancement of religion' enables charities to promote the superstitions fuelling witchcraft abuse, this charitable purpose must be urgently reviewed. No charity, religious or not, should be allowed to promote ideology which fuels child abuse."

NSS urges Charity Commission to investigate CofE safeguarding

NSS urges Charity Commission to investigate CofE safeguarding

Posted: Thu, 29 Jun 2023 15:29

NSS letter comes amid mounting criticism of the decision to sack the Independent Safeguarding Board