Reform charity laws

Reform charity laws

Page 18 of 42: All charities, religious or not, should be held to the same standards.

Many religious charities do fantastic work.

But many others fail to provide a public benefit and some cause harm.

It's time to end religious privilege in charity law.

Charity work carried out by people of all faiths and none should be recognised and celebrated. Much of the work of religious charities, such as helping the poor, is secular in nature and beneficial to society.

But there are religious organisations which exploit the privileged status of religion in charity law to conduct activities that do not fulfil a genuine public benefit, and only serve to further religious ideology.

In the worst cases, religious charities may harm society and individuals.

Registered charities must serve a purpose recognised as "charitable". Charity laws specify a list of "charitable purposes," one of which is "the advancement of religion".

Charities must also demonstrate that they provide a genuine public benefit. But guidelines are vague on what constitutes a public benefit, particular in relation to religious activities. There is still an assumption in the charity system that religion is inherently beneficial. This view is not supported by evidence and implies those without a religion are somehow less moral or charitable.

The inclusion of the advancement of religion within charitable purposes gives religion a privileged position in the charity sector. It enables religious organisations to acquire all the benefits of charitable status, including tax relief, gift aid and public respectability, simply by "advancing religion".

It also includes religious organisations that cause harm to society. This includes charities which facilitate religious genital cutting, support the non-stun slaughter industry, and promote extremism, hatred and intolerance of other people.

The NSS believes all charities, religious or not, should be held to equally high standards. That's why we campaign for "the advancement of religion" to be removed from the list of charitable purposes, and for religious charities to be held to the same equality laws as all other charities.

Take action!

1. Write to your MP

Tell your MP it's time for "the advancement of religion" to be removed as a charitable purpose. Enter your postcode below to find your MP and send a letter to them.

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Anti-abortion “pregnancy support” charity launched in Scotland

Anti-abortion “pregnancy support” charity launched in Scotland

Posted: Wed, 17 Nov 2021 10:46

An anti-abortion "pregnancy support service" that has previously misled women has registered a new charity in Scotland.

The National Secular Society discovered Stanton Healthcare (East of Scotland) registered in Edinburgh in late October.

Stanton Healthcare's Belfast clinic says its clients "receive medically accurate, non-biased information about options in a confidential and professional setting".

But in 2018 an investigation by The Times revealed it was falsely telling women that termination causes breast cancer and infertility.

A counsellor at the Belfast clinic of Stanton Healthcare was recorded telling an undercover reporter that she was "too beautiful for abortion" and that a termination would make her breasts "fill with cancer".

Lesley Regan, then-president of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said it was untrue to claim that abortion caused breast cancer. Claims about infertility were also untrue because they were based on outdated techniques, she said.

Stanton Healthcare was originally set up by Brandi Swindell, a US Christian activist.

The Edinburgh branch says its charitable objects include "the advancement of the philosophical belief in the existence and equal value of human life from the moment of conception until natural death".

Its executive director is Donna Cameron, a parishioner of a Catholic church in South Queensferry, according to a "Pro-Life Parish Life" newsletter.

The newsletter, which appears to be published by the Catholic Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh's Pro-Life Office, describes Stanton Healthcare as a "pregnancy support service".

It also says the archdiocese will support the charity's "much needed work through our parishes, the pro-life network and our communication resources."

Cameron has declined to provide details of the medical advice the charity will be providing.

Scottish charity regulator OSCR says registered charities "must have activities which provide public benefit".

Stanton Healthcare's registered charitable purposes include "the advancement of religion". The National Secular Society is campaigning for "the advancement of religion" to be removed from the list of recognised charitable purposes, because it believes "the advancement of religion" does not inherently serve a public benefit and in some cases causes harm.

A spokesperson for OSCR said: "Based on the evidence we gathered during the application process, we determined that the organisation's purposes were charitable under the legislation and the activities it plans are intended to provide public benefit, taking into account all the factors the law requires us to consider, including possible disbenefit to the public."

NSS head of policy and research Megan Manson said: "It is concerning that a charity with such a questionable track record on advising pregnant women has registered a branch in Scotland.

"Charities have a duty to provide a public benefit. Any organisation that provides misleading healthcare information due to religious biases cannot be fulfilling this duty and should not operate as a charity."

Carol Mochan, Scottish Labour's spokeswoman on women's health, said there were "serious questions" to be asked regarding the organisation's charitable status.

In 2014, Education for Choice published research involving 33 'crisis pregnancy centres' in the UK. The majority of which were "found to be giving misleading information on the mental and physical health outcomes of abortion, and/or using inappropriate language and emotional manipulation when it came to discussing pregnancy options".

Image: ckstockphoto, Pixabay

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NSS seeks clarity over proposed conversion therapy ban

NSS seeks clarity over proposed conversion therapy ban

Posted: Thu, 4 Nov 2021 12:33

The National Secular Society has expressed concerns about potential loopholes in government proposals to ban 'conversion therapy'.

The NSS has written to the Minister for Women and Equalities Elizabeth Truss requesting clarification on the proposals outlined in a consultation on banning conversion therapy published last week.

So-called 'conversion therapy' is the practice of attempting to change an individual's sexual orientation or gender identity. It is rejected by mainstream psychologists and psychotherapists as ineffective, unethical and harmful.

'Consent' for conversion therapy

In addition to creating specific prohibitions against violent forms of conversion therapy, the consultation proposes to ban 'talking' conversion therapy on under 18s or vulnerable adults. This is in line with recommendations from the NSS.

But it will permit these forms of 'therapy' where an adult "agrees by choice".

In its letter, the NSS said it supported the principle that adults with capacity should be allowed to make decisions that others may regard as unwise or dangerous.

However, it warned the idea of consent is "problematic in circumstances where individuals have been raised in insular religious households or communities".

It asked if adults who have been raised in fundamentalist and insular religious communities with little exposure to other views and people from outside their community will be considered 'vulnerable' for the purposes of the law.

The proposals also seek to ban coerced conversion therapy. The NSS said LGBT+ people in religious communities may be "motivated to seek conversion therapy through fear of going to 'hell' or other forms of divine punishment".

It asked if being raised in a community that suggested gay people will receive divine punishment would be considered a form of coercion.

Private prayer

The consultation says "private prayer" will not fall into the scope of the ban.

The NSS warned that this could create a loophole whereby "religious groups can continue to perform conversion therapy with impunity."

It asked whether 'therapies' performed in a religious setting or using religious rituals, such as non-violent exorcisms and laying on of hands, would be included in the law.


The NSS welcomed proposals to ensure charities do not support conversion therapy. The NSS has repeatedly raised the issue with the government and the Charity Commission, as it has identified a number of registered charities that have performed or promoted conversion therapy in the name of 'advancing religion'.

However, it said the proposals are "not robust enough" to tackle the issue, because they appear to permit organisations supporting legal, 'consensual' forms of conversion therapy to continue to operate as charities.

It warned that because charities promoting conversion therapy are usually registered under the charitable purpose of 'the advancement of religion', which is generally assumed to serve a public benefit, it would be difficult to revoke such organisations' charitable status.

The NSS campaigns for 'the advancement of religion' to be removed from the list of recognised charitable purposes.

Earlier this year the Northern Ireland Charity Commission refused to act against Core Issues Trust, a Christian organisation which promotes "change orientated therapy" for gay people. The commission suggested it was not its role to take a position on conversion therapy while it remains legal.

This week it was reported the government held a previously undisclosed meeting earlier this year with Core Issues Trust, which the charity described as "productive".

The government's proposals will only apply to England and Wales, but responses from its consultation will be shared with "respective administrations".

NSS chief executive Stephen Evans said: "We are keen to ensure these proposals protect individuals most likely to experience conversion therapy and fear, at present, they may fall short."

"Whilst we strongly support the principles of freedom of choice, freedom of speech and freedom of belief, it is important to recognise that such rights can be limited to ensure the protection of the rights, freedoms, health, and wellbeing of others."

"We fear that potential gaps in the proposals may result in the new law failing to achieve its stated aim."

Update 08/12: The NSS has now submitted its response to the consultation. To date the NSS has not received a reply from Elizabeth Truss addressing these concerns, which are therefore repeated in the consultation response.

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Image: Doidam 10, Shutterstock.

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