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Becoming a member of the National Secular Society is a declaration of your support for the separation of the state from religious institutions. Make a stand for freedom, fairness and human rights by adding your voice to the call for a secular society.

We receive no funding from government or outside bodies – our campaigning is wholly supported by our members, people like you who share our belief in the urgent need to separate religion from education and government in general.

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What our members say

A random selection of three of our members' reasons for joining. To see more, click here.

Tom, Leeds

Wed, 2 Aug 2017 13:49

It's all very well suggesting Islamic faith schools are potentially damaging children, but the only way to solve this problem is to leave all religion out of education and legislation. I'm not anti-religion, but I am against giving any religion a free ride.

Tim, Gloucestershire

Wed, 2 Aug 2017 13:21

Religious minorities, atheists and apostates are routinely treated appallingly in theocratic countries. Every human should be free to express their own thoughts, beliefs and religious choices, provided they do not impinge on other people's rights.


Wed, 2 Aug 2017 14:01

What prompted me to join was simply that I had had enough of religious organisations establishing themselves as being above criticism. That it is not possible to criticise religious practices without being told that you are being offensive scares me.

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25 Red Lion Square, London, WC1R 4RL | 020 7404 3126